Portland Township, Ionia County, Michigan
Public Notices
*Note that the Portland R & O is no longer published. For legal notices, we are using the The Daily News newspaper which comes out on Fridays. Notices will still be placed on the website.
**Portland Township Board meeting will be held on February 18th, 2025 at 6pm.
Adopted Zoning Ordinance Rezone and Text Amendments
The Township Board approved zoning text amendments and a map rezone amendment at their February 8 meeting. Click on "Notice Amendments" for the full notice and "Rezone" for the map rezoning amendment and "Text Amends" for the full wording text amendments.
The Planning Commission has updated the Township Master Plan with an updated future land use map, new Census data and comparisons, new survey results, updates to the district's explanations, education, medical, emergency services, recreation, transportation, and utility sections and updating the conclusion of the goals.
A public hearing was held and the proposed Master Plan was adopted on June 7.
Township Meetings
Also, see "Public Notices" above for special meeting information
For future meeting times please see TOWNSHIP BOARD.
The next regular Board meeting will be:
February 18th, at 6:00 pm. Meetings for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year will now be on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Click on "Agenda" below a few days before the meeting date for the proposed topics of discussion.
All meetings will be at the Portland Township Hall
located at 773 E Grand River Ave, Portland. Note that all meetings will start at 6:00 pm unless posted differently. Go to the Township Board tab to see the entire fiscal year meeting dates and a printable link.
Portland Township Planning Commission Next Meeting:
The next regular meeting is on March 5th, 2025.
Go to the Planning Commission page for the full year's schedule.
All meetings will be at the Portland Township Hall
located at 773 E Grand River Ave, Portland
Portland Township Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Meetings
Meets only as Applications are Received Except for Organizational
Meeting on the Second Wednesday of each January at 6:00 pm.
All meetings will be at the Portland Township Hall.
**ZBA will be meeting on January 7th, 2025 at 6pm.
Portland Area Municipal Authority (PAMA)
*Meeting dates are the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7pm.
Recycling for Portland Township Residents is at Municipal Supply at 1 Industrial Dr. Portland, east off Lyons Rd. Be sure to follow all the rules for successful recycling. The dates that the containers are available to drop off items are the 4th full Saturday and Sunday of each month. The drop-off times are between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.
Recycling drop-off will be self-serve. Volunteers, when available, will only be observing from a distance.
We urge anyone who is sick, has been sick, or is exhibiting any signs of illness to stay home and wait for another recycling event.
When the bins are full, DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING ON THE GROUND. Granger employees WILL NOT pick up anything that is outside the bins.
Sunfield has reopened its recycling program without a residency requirement. Hours are Wednesdays from 2 pm to 6 pm and Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm. Click on the link below for all the details and items accepted.
Sunfield is participating in a new project to accept and to recycle agricultural plastic. Click on the link below for all the details.
Click on the flyer link below for information on what can or cannot be dropped off and for additional other recycling places.
Other info:
Link is below to a State map of all recycling facilities:
***Melanie Schneider has been appointed the new Township Treasurer effective October 1st, 2024.
**New Tax drop box location is: 773 E Grand River Ave. Portland MI 48875; southside of building facing Grand River next to the Portland Township Hall door.
Note - farther down the page you can pay your taxes online!
Emergency Care Plan Open to Portland Township Residents
The Portland Ambulance Service offers an Emergency Care Plan to citizens in the coverage area. Subscribers to the service are not billed for their ambulance runs. The cost is $60 per year, and it covers all members of your household. The fiscal year runs from July 1-June 30, but enrollment is open all year and new subscribers will be accepted.
In the event a subscriber uses the Portland Ambulance Department for a medical emergency, the department bills the insurance company for the subscriber and the subscriber does not receive a bill. The Ambulance Department accepts what the insurance companies pay as payment in full and the subscriber is not responsible for any remaining balance.
Click here for an enrollment form that also includes a list of FAQ's: https://www.portland-michigan.org/DocumentCenter/View/811/Ambulance-Subscription-Form
Click here for the Ambulance Department's webpage which includes additional information: https://www.portland-michigan.org/149/Ambulance-Department
Doing projects at home? Call Miss Dig first! MissDig811 (647-734-4811) It is free and underground electric, gas, oil, propane, phone and cable, water, sewer or irrigation lines or pipes can be marked for your safety. Click on the link below for more details:
Click on "Departments" then "Taxes" for general information PLUS the new Point & Pay online tax payment process. See below for paying taxes online.
To contact the Treasurer click on "Township Board"
then "Treasurer"
You can now pay your taxes online!
Point and Pay is an online method to pay your tax bill with a credit card or e-check. There will be a fee with a credit card of 3% (minimum $2) or with an electronic check (ACH) of $3 up to $10,000 or $10 over $10,000. Click on the link below to pay your taxes with this convenient method.
For instructions on how to pay taxes online click on the link below:
For how to look up your property click on the link below:
The Township Newsletters are available to read online as well as within your tax bills. Click on the "Information" tab at the top, then "Documents" to review all of them. The newest one is in the link below.
Burn Permits
Contact your local Fire Department for Burn Permits
Click on "Departments" then "Assessing" for additional information
Assessor Jason Kohagen - Phone Number: 989-383-0306
Click on "Departments" then "Elections" for the latest election information.